The Surprising Power of County Government - Livestream

05/02/2024 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM CT


Virtual Event


  • Free



Hennepin History Museum is proud to present this insightful and entertaining look into Hennepin County government as the latest program in the “All Politics is Local” series.


The Theater of Public Policy from Danger Boat Productions is joining with retired Hennepin County Commissioners Jan Callison, Randy Johnson, and Peter McLaughlin to showcase the often-overlooked role of county government in our everyday lives.

Hennepin County is the largest county in Minnesota by population, and often does groundbreaking work in local government. From managing hospitals, libraries, public infrastructure and many other little-seen operations, our county government has taken on projects that were once the domain of other government entities. Come hear this story through the lens of commissioners who served for many years, and the unique style of the Theater of Public Policy.

Registrants will receive the Livestream link before the event.